Openkore 2.0.7 resolve click on this link - 7/16/09. If your configs dont work properly is because there is something to do with your table/skills.txt most of them I found out that most skills are assigned to a different job character like for instance I found out that Magnificat dont work properly because they are assigned in both priest and merchant thus creating a error that cant figure out by the bot unless you edited it yourself by erasing the Magnificat assigned to the merchant. That goes to every other job characters kindly re-check everything before you post a question. I myself dont have much time in editing all.
Openkore 2.0.7 resolve click on this link - 7/16/09. If your configs dont work properly is because there is something to do with your table/skills.txt most of them I found out that most skills are assigned to a different job character like for instance I found out that Magnificat dont work properly because they are assigned in both priest and merchant thus creating a error that cant figure out by the bot unless you edited it yourself by erasing the Magnificat assigned to the merchant. That goes to every other job characters kindly re-check everything before you post a question. I myself dont have much time in editing all.
Priest Full party support skills may sometime fails. May I suggest buying a Healing Clip. Someone told a newbie that base on his experience there hasn't been a successful heal bomb priest--What a crap is that. I use to play the version of 1.6.8 and it was just perfect.5/5/09
To our Jakarta friends pls dont use this just yet without updating your country's server text update, just add your exsisting working server text updates, control text, and field text.. Why field text because I have notice that field text applies to each country you are playing and some features of Ragnarok will not be applicable on your screen, that is why you keep geeting mapping errors and also why openkore sends an erros telling you that errors was cause due to an recent server updates. What about table text? I also notice that table text behaves depending on your version of openkore, some table text are incomplete with skills required to do the task, have you ever notice why in some version your characters works perfectly fine and when your use a new version things are about to go hay wire. Always remember back-up your working openkore just in case you fouled up.
If you want to go directly into the Priest ME or Priest FS config download just click the blog title or click the mirror links if main link is offline.
(Just add or replace this config text to your old config text the rest of your program text just leave it as it is)
For the past seven years when I first played Ragnarok Online, then I came across a bot program, it took me several days to get to know the bugs of the bot, but when it finally worked out just fine (i.e. healbomb, holy light, party support) it just went down for server updates, I forgot about it, and turned back into my studies. Now I am back and working on the bugs, this version is so user friendly that you can even click on the map where you want to go or even click on the list of monsters or players you wanted to attack, plus the resurrection works perfectly well, so enjoy and dont forget to leave your question, comment or even suggestions. Latest Openkore 2.0.7 downloads, Dont be alarmed when you have downloaded a foreign version--solution I just copied/paste the english version of an older kore and paste it(folder; Control) remember to update your server text files WARNING! Don't sell your configurations. Click here for Wizard config. Click here for Priest ME type buffs agi
Just re-arrange the text with TABS as shown into your previous config text and watch your spacing for each block. DO NOT CHANGE EVERYTHING, hey if you old program works for you then all you have to do is copy/paste it to your version 2.0.7, if mine works surely yours will, so until OPENKORE says so the HEAL BOMB doesn't work anymore I will not stop debugging it until I got it right. The other photo steals of openkore as you have observe seems to be an old version--right, notice that some articles are old and have not been updated by authors.
Notice to change your value on th target_whenInactive []. So there your have it folks. This bot platform is user friendly you can even click manual pick-up for drops cards or you can program them into your configs. Watch the TAB of the program config. Most of the times the reason why bots dont work is that they forgot one important factor-- that is the way they spelled it the way they caps it., because it is case sensitive you tend to shove it off as mere whimsy and that is why it doeasnt work, just remember dont make unnecessary changes on the program itself unless you have read the manual, watch your spellings too and the caps as well. Spacing too is important and finally update your server text by searching the web, although there are extractor programs that are available to do the work I wont recommend it to you if your not an expert. And I just found out that what ever version you'de copy/paste it on version 2.0.7 believe me it has worked perfectly just fine--Shit! I'am such a looser Yaya!
My advice to you is to keep on reading recent articles, don't let anybody tells you what you can't do. Persistance is the key and not resistance is futile--I'm no COMSCI grad but I dont let anybody stop me from working on a program--I don't think so?! My grade school teacher once told me I won't be able to finish my studies and look at me a BSBA College Graduate and I love assembling desktop computers. So my parting advice is keep on reading because when I first started reading Computer books was of THE BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO COMPUTERS by R.Bradbeer,P de Bono,P. Laurie.
sir just wanna ask how to bot a priest w/out a party i mean i can leave my bot to place like GH!!!! i just dont how my bot will use the skill heal for d monster
hope u can help me thx
uge214 please tell me the level of your skills that you have and which map do you want to go and i'll make you one. Don't forget to put in your e-mail as well.
tnx a lot master ^^
sir can you make me a bot config for a turn undead priest in valkyrie server where there is no flywings and teles and using Turn undead only at anubis and also Killsteals my level is 94 and is almost gonna be reborn and its x3 in valk so pls help me...
aw i forgot my email add is ian_delgado777@yahoo.com thanks you sir
sir. can you make me a config to anubis that will use lex aterna before ressurection? ive been surfing the net for the config but i havent seen one. this is my email add. my priest is lvl 70 with complete equips. here is my email add. paolo_cute_31@yahoo.com
sir please help me about priest bot config my priest in new chaos is lvl 74 and i dont know how to confi a bot.. pls send me a complete config where can i bot this character for a fast leveling pls send me config w/ mon_control heres my email address: ejay_deguzman@yahoo.com.sg
Sir Pls help me to config my priest lvl 70 w/ a stat of int, dex, little vit, w/ heal, turnundead, and other support sill pls send me a config to bot my character pls send at email address: ejay_deguzman@yahoo.com.sg thank you
sir i want to bot my high priest any map that he can use heal bomb to gain exp until it reaches lvl 99/70, unfortunately i dont have any bot program... sir can you send me a bot program for my high priest my e-mail address is riot_of_blood_dnt_touch@yahoo.com
Hi there bot lovers. Sorry I was so busy this past few months. I will go online tomorrow to fix it. see you soon botters.
Sir I have a question. Why does my priest heal the mercenary with level 1 heal until the sp goes down to drain? I can't really fix it. Help please? Thanks in advance.
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